One of the major things that I am learning as I go through
this writing journey is that writing takes time.
I naively thought, at the beginning of my journey, that if I
sat down and wrote and finished a story— I could send it to some friends, maybe
get a manuscript appraisal and ‘whala’ – it would be finished. Done and dusted,
on to the next project.
This is not how it works. Well, at least, for me, this is
not how it works. And I am so pleased to find out that it’s not how it works
for other people as well. I’ve been encouraged to read other writer’s journeys
and how it might take years to get a first novel, picture book, children’s book
etc. completed and then published.
That probably doesn’t sound encouraging but I guess in a way
I was thinking, “Quick, get this done as fast as I can.” Stress, stress, stress.
I don’t know why I was thinking that but I was. No that's not true, I know why I was, cause I'm a stress pot. But I've admitted it now and I'm getting help.
Now it’s more like, “I want to get this right. I want to
write a good story. So I’ll take my time about it. Learn more, write better,
get advice and hopefully make my stories the best they can be—in time.”