Monday, January 27, 2014

Time, Time, Time, Time

I have to be one of the most impatient people in the whole world. Okay a lot of exaggeration went into that sentence, but that’s how I feel so much of the time, especially with two boys under five.
So what does one do when so much of writing has to do with letting a manuscript sit so that ideas can evolve and mulling can take place? And I quote, “Time is your friend.”
When writing picture books or probably any book really. Write it and then put it away for a couple of weeks. Then take it out again and see how you feel. Okay, fair enough. I can put it away but what in the heck am I supposed to do in the mean time?
Write something else. Yes, I can understand that and I would love to as I have a few projects on the go. (I’ve discovered that I write how I read, a few books at a time.)
But going from one book to another, let along going from one age group to another or one genre to another is really quite brain boggling. 
So, I’m still in the learning process; learning how I write, how I work, how my brain functions (which is a bit of a worry sometimes).
Who knew all of this would crop up with a simple decision to write? 

Monday, January 13, 2014

After the course

I just finished my ‘Writing Picture Books’ course and I can officially say that writing picture books is hard work! I applaud anyone who even attempts it. My brain feels full to overflowing with all the information I’ve been cramming into it over the past six weeks. I feel like I’ve been given the tools to take my writing further.
I’ve been doing my writing courses through ‘The Australian Writer’s Centre’, if anyone is interested. They do a great job.
I have decided that I’m trying to do too much with my writing at the moment. I’ve got stories galore on the back burners and they’re all from different age groups.
I’ve got to figure out how to focus on one thing at a time, without getting distracted by everything else that I’m interested in exploring.
So maybe I need to actually plan my year out and try and finish something instead of starting and starting and starting.