Thursday, December 4, 2014

Walking in the rain

I went for a walk this morning as the sun was rising up into the sky, glowing as it does and the clouds touched with pearl shine. This little corner of the world lends itself brilliantly to early morning walks. The birds already up since before daybreak singing everything into existence as if it is the first day of creation and the dogs eager to announce to the world when some innocent walker strays to close to their territory.

I decided to explore a street I’d never been up before keeping a weary eye on the grey clouds that were clustering over the dark mountains. When I’d gone too far to turn back and still not sure how long it would take me to walk home, the heavens opened and the rain began to fall. It was a soft veil of rain that landed gently and didn’t disturb. Still, after two minutes I was soaked and my hand protectively covering my phone. I squelched on in my crocs trying to decide if I should just remove them or keep squeaking along.

I love walking in the rain. In Rumginae there was really no choice to the matter. If you got caught in the rain it would be of such a drenching down pour that you’d be soaked through in a matter of seconds and not be able to see much in front of you to even attempt a run for cover. Walking was the best option.

I’d love to walk through Paris in the rain. Apparently, that is the epitome of walking in the rain. Though, I think walking in Paris, rain or not would be amazing.

In Cairns there’s really no reason to hurry along and try to get to cover, the rain is not a chilling one. I was told, when we first arrived that true Cairns people never carry umbrellas. Apparently, there are quite a few not true Cairns people living in this area because as I rounded the corner to the local supermarket I could see them all huddled under the roof waiting it out.

I was starting to get rather nervous about the time, needing to get back to my family and all, and the fact that I really had no idea where I was. I looked up into the clearing sky and there in front of me was a full double rainbow, the colours all brilliance and luminous, the sun shining through the rain. Every time I see a rainbow I breathe out relief. That promise symbol splashed full out in the open for everyone to see.

It was a good day for a walk, it makes me eager to discover that next reminder, cause I know there will be one.

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