Thursday, April 9, 2015

Book Review: The Edge of Tidal Pools by Michele Phoenix

On the remote French Ile de Batz, Casey Jensen is desperately trying to regain some sort of control over her life. Throughout the story we slowly discover why Casey is on the island and what it is that has triggered her emotional lock down. A highschool French teacher, Casey is surprised when one of her students reaches out to her, opens up to her and shares with her their deepest feelings. Ben spent the last five years in Tajikistan with his family and the ripple affects are tearing the young man apart. Now Casey is questioning everything in her life that made it seem so solid and secure.

This is a fascinating book, even more so if you are a Third Culture Kid or have a lot to do with MK’s. Michele Phoenix grew up as a TCK and has spent most of her adult life teaching TCK’s. She brings her unique perspective and insight to this beautiful book which acknowledges and honours the hurt and sometimes desperate struggle that TCK’s go through when trying to make sense of God, themselves, their parents decisions and the world in general.

Michele Phoenix has written a great book with real and deep characters. She does have some very strong opinions that come across loudly though not unpleasantly. Phoenix explores some very hard and often hidden emotions and effects of missionary life and choices made by parents, which have far reaching consequences in the lives of their children.

I would recommend this book to TCK’s, MK’s, PK’s, their parents and anyone interested in the inner workings of people who have gone through similar experiences.

Michele Phoenix has her own website with other information and resources for TCK's/MK's. 

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